DevOps Diary #0: Blog Series Introduction


3 min read

DevOps Diary #0: Blog Series Introduction


I recently started learning DevOps and a little-bit of Systems Programming in parallel and decided that the best way to learn it might be by writing blogs and explaining it to people who are learning/practicing it in their day-to-day life.

So here it is, I am writing this blog as an introduction to what I am planning to write on in the future blogs about DevOps. I am learning it from and let me tell you, its an absolute beast of a platform to teach you DevOps. I am thinking of covering each and every topic from the very beginning. I will follow the following path:


Level 0

Since we are developers, I decided to start the index of levels with 0. In level 0, we will learn the pre-requisites like linux basics, how to use shell, linux system administration, shell scripts to automate tasks, building applications from source code, and setting up web servers with nginx. These are topics which as a DevOps engineer should be familiar with and will act as building blocks for the upcoming levels. So for instance, if you are following some blog or course on Docker and they say we will now "Dockerize our artifact", then you should know what they meant by artifact (it will be covered in Building Applications).

Level 1

In level 1, we will go through the containerzation and orchestration process of an application. Now that we have built an application in level 1 and are already familiar with linux and the command line tool, we should now move onto dockerizing these applications and web servers. We will learn what is docker, why we should use it and how it paved the way for Cloud Native development. Continous Integration and Continous Delivery will be our next topic. We will learn how to use GitHub actions to automatically push our latest containers on DockerHub. We will also learn CircleCI. Then we will learn about orchestrating these docker containers by learning Docker Swarm and Kubernetes. I will also cover infrastructure provisioning in Terraform and Host config management using Ansible. Completing level 0 and level 1 should be enough to land your first DevOps job. (I hope to do as well 😊)

Level 2

Level 2 is all about the extra stuff which will come handy in your DevOps position but is not at all mandatory when applying for your first DevOps role. We will go through Consul for service discovery and service mesh. Then learn Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring and EFK stack (Elastic Search, Fluentd, and Kibana) for logging and visualizing logs. Level 2 is all about that extra stuff which is good to know when applying for jobs.


If you want to be a part of this journey, do let me know. You can reach out to me by tweeting at @neel229. I am also open to DM's on twitter.

Peace ✌🏻

Photo by Estée Janssens on Unsplash